Sunday, July 26, 2020

New To HR Learning to Disagree Effectively - Workology

New To HR Learning to Disagree Effectively Disagreeing With Your Boss Joining a new company comes with a lot of pressure. You just got your degree, landed the job, and now youre out to prove that the last 4/5 years werent a complete waste of time, money, and resources. We, as humans,  are very passionate about the things we believe in and sometimes that passion can get us into deep trouble. Having problems with picking up the job, having chatty coworkers, taking orders from your boss that you dont agree with, are all parts of the job. Having a disagreement with the people youll work with on a daily basis can lead to multiple issues in the workplace. Being that youre the newest person on the team, it could be taken as youre the problem child of the group. During interviews, the interviewer asks many questions to determine if you will be a great fit for the company culture and team, but words and actions are very different. Disagreeing With Your Boss Having problems with the person who signs off on your hours can be scary. I believe that how you handle the situation will make or break your time at that company. It doesnt mean that you need to kiss up to your boss but you do need to use your words wisely. If there is a situation that you feel needs to be handled in a different way, take the time to speak with your boss alone. Give suggestions and facts for why you believe something should change. Never come to your boss just to say the way theyve been functioning for the last 3 years sucks. Explain why your solution helps the organization and the outcomes that will be possible. Make sure youve done your research and know what youre talking about. Dont rely simply on  what youve learned in the textbook world, reach out to the HRTribe youve created and ask different opinions and ideas. Disagreeing With Your Co-Worker No two coworkers are the same. Ive had the chatty ones, the too revealing ones, the mean ones, and so on and so on. You cant fix all disagreements in the same manner when dealing with different people. Having a disagreement with your coworker can be difficult because most people run off of emotions and as HR individuals, sometimes we have to compartmentalize better than most. To fix a disagreement with your co-worker, you may need to involve another person. As HR, you need to be ready to protect yourself as well as your employees. Disagreements help you grow, but you never want them to turn violent or drag on for too long. Just because you have a difference of opinion from someone does not mean youre necessarily correct. Sit back and try to understand the situation from their point of view as well. As an HRNewbie, there is still a lot to learn, dont allow people to get over on you just because youre the new kid on the block, but dont get fired from your first official position because you didnt know how to play well with others.

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